Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Interview With The Master

Dear HAC,

I don't know if you got my letter yet, but I decided to write a review of Hill of Ravens for the magazine instead of the interview. That way I won't lose one of my editors, who is very sensitive about these things. (???)

I started writing the review today and I figured I would ask you a few questions so I could quote you in the review. (I know some of these questions seem trivial, but they'll help flesh things out.) I've attached the first few paragraphs (I'm not very satisfied with them) to this e-mail.

-M. K.


1. Given that whites still make up the majority of the population, why do you think a broad-based, effective white nationalist movement has never materialized in the United States?

Anything, of course, is possible, but I think the likelihood of a nationwide resistance movement occurring at this point in time, given our history and given the current moral condition of White people as a whole, is so slim that we can discount it as a practical possibility. There are such things as world-historical forces and the personality factor in history, and I don’t see them shaping up as applicable any time soon. Mass political action of any kind has simply been bred out of us, or socially engineered out if you prefer. White people today are just what the Jews want us to be, what Karl Marx envisioned for us-we are units of economic production and consumption with only a vestigial racial and cultural identity remaining, and virtually know will of our own.

A nationwide movement, to be effective, would require not only a brilliant and passionately dedicated leadership cadre, but it would require financial and other material resources on a level which I see no sign of ever being made available to any White Nationalist organization or personality. (I hesitate to use the term "leader"; we haven’t had any bona fide leaders for a long time.) When I say that one purpose of the Northwest movement is to reduce the problem to manageable proportions, essentially I mean reduce it to proportions where something might be attempted by the small handful of people and by the pathetically tiny financial and material resources which, in the real world, are still available to us.

Revolutions are made by small and fanatical minorities, true, but our fanatical minority will almost certainly be so small that any takeover of a huge continent containing at least a hundred million active enemies and the rest of the population dead weight is simply not a realistic possibility. As an interesting coincidence, yesterday I published on Thoughtcrime an excerpt from The Brigade wherein one of the characters, Red Morehouse, details to a new "Trouble Trio" a large part of my reasoning as to why a 50-state revolution is no longer feasible in America.

Of course, if we hadn’t wasted the past 50 years on dead ends and fraudulent leaders…well, it might have been a different story. But we did.

2. Where do you think the United States will be 10 years from now? Do you believe a scenario as described in your book is possible/probable?

Again, anything could happen. We could end up in a Mad Max type scenario, or an Iron Heel 1984-type totalitarian surveillance state with flickering telescreens and pictures of a goggle-eyed Hillary staring down at us telling us that Mommy Dearest is watching.

However, my own favored guess, due to the immensity of this continent and the huge wealth still available even in our current dilapidated state, has always been a long, slow slide into Third World status. This is how the Jews have always done it to us. Remember the old saying about how to boil a frog in a pot of water? Gradually things in America will simply stop working as the infrastructure rusts away. More bridges will collapse, the power will go out more frequently and stay out longer, simple things we take for granted today will become unavailable or so expensive that normal people can’t afford them. Television and the pop culture will get sillier and stupider, if that’s possible. The white population will get older and older and won’t be able to keep things going, and the masses will get darker and darker. We are headed for Brazil at best, Soylent Green at worst.

3. When writing the book, did you mostly draw on personal experience or on research and intuition?

Mmmmm, some, although there was a lot of imagination in that one. The Hill of the Ravens is much more futuristic and sci-fi-like than the other books, what with the flying cars, the Aryan colonies on Mars, and the genetically engineered dogs and such. The Rhodesian and South African references I drew from my own time in Southern Africa back in "the day" when it was still White.

4. Why did you choose the Northwest as the setting for this book?

What you need to understand about the Trilogy (or now Quadrilogy, I guess you can say) is that it was never supposed to be a trilogy. It just sort of happened. I became so enraged at what Morris Dees did to Pastor Butler in the year 2000 that I made two vows: to pick up his fallen standard and spend the rest of my like fighting for his vision of a free White nation in the Northwest, and to use my writing talents to write a novel about such a nation coming into being. Neither of these was an original idea with me, obviously, but I have stuck with them to the best of my ability for eight years now.

Anyway, usually after I complete a book it’s pretty much written out of my system. I’ve never felt any desire to do any sequels for Vindictus or Revelation 9. But after The Hill of the Ravens I noticed that I still had a lot of ideas and scenarios for a Northwest revolution in my mind waiting to get out, plus a lot of people were saying I should have covered this subject or that subject, etc. The whole NVA thing just sort of took on a life of its own.

After The Brigade, I think I’m pretty much all NVA’ed out. The fifth Northwest novel, if ever there is one, will be on a topic that no one seems to want to address, which is the years immediately after the War of Independence and the problems which the Party will face in building (or rebuilding) an all-White society, economy, and culture. My guess is that topic will be a little dry for most people’s tastes. My current readership seems to prefer Rambo-like adolescent revenge fantasies with little thought to what comes after. That’s not a criticism, just an observation. Given the realities of 21st century America, that attitude is pretty much to be expected.

5. Do you think this series has a broad appeal?

If I can ever get the small band of NVA enthusiasts to plug the books on the internet and elsewhere, so that the White reading public first in the Racially Conscious Community and then in the broader sense becomes aware of the books and knows that they are here, then yes. I can see them taking off and becoming "underground classics."

Right now the problem with the entire Northwest movement, such as it is, is that no one knows we’re here. With one or two honorable exceptions, no one besides myself is advertising the books, the Northwest Homeland web site, my blogs, or anything else about the NPA. "Our" people sign onto the computer for several hours each day and they spend that time in passive mode, reading things on the Net instead of posting.

I have a saying: "I can find a thousand men willing to fight and die for the Northwest Republic. I can’t find ten who are willing to work for it." Hell…I can’t even find ten who are willing to post for it.

New Download Site for THE BRIGADE

Latest download site for The Master's Magnum Opus The Brigade:
